Welcome to Moda Fabrics!

Diane Brockway

Diane Brockway

Written by: 

Where did you grow up?
Portland, Oregon
How many years have you been in the industry? 
Favorite past time / hobbies?
Sewing, gardening, car shows in the summer
Tell a funny story about being on the road...
not sure how funny this is, but when ModaLissa was traveling with me, we had to drive through the
spillage of a rendering truck disaster.  This happened on Interstate 5 pm a hot summer day!! 
 Eewww and ick!!  very stinky.....

What did you want to be when you were 12 years old?
 A home ec teacher!

What is your favorite childhood memory?
family camping trips
Tell us about another job you had...
Typing stock certificates at US Bank - the only other job outside of the fabric industry

Tell us about your beloved?
he is the BOB in Bobbin!  he has a thing for Marilyn...

Name 5 things always found in your fridge?
Milk, chardonnay,apples, string cheese, yogurt
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
 Sewing Machines
How would you describe your job to a 5 year old?
I sell fabric to stores that sell fabric to people who buy it, cut it up and sew it back together
 to make big pretty, blankets!
Name 5 things on your bucket list..
.Australia, New Zealand, S. Pacific, Alaska, Italy with Bob

Tell us something about you that most people don't know...
I was a hippie wanna be In high school.  Followed the Grateful Dead around Oregon.
(except when I was working at Discount Fabrics)!

Name three things you never leave home without...
 Purse, phone, water

My vice in life...
Wine, multitasking
My passion is...
fabric and gardening

My pet's favorite TV show?
Any show she can sleep too (which is all shows)
Boxers or briefs?
My motto is...
Is the Hokey Pokey really what it is all about?
  of course!
Me & my: senior prom / wedding / bad hair cut / proud moment / school photo, etc.

Brockway family reunion, Sunriver,Ore July 2010
My babies, Christmas 2010, Aiden 6, Alec 3, Mia 2

What fashion trend do you wish would come back in style & why?
I think it's here!  Higher waisted pants, bohemian look of the 70's.

If you were not a sales rep, what else would you do?
Become a master gardener or interior designer
I collect...
fabric, thimbles, sun art for the yard, Gnomes lately (see gnomeo and Juliet)

If gas mileage & space for samples, were not a requirement, I'd be driving... 
 A Lexus SC430 ,
White with Red Interior
If you choose a career as a XXX movie star & need a stage name, they say;
 use the name of your first pet & the street you lived on - what would yours be?
What has been the best thing about working for Moda/Mark Dunn?I never imagined going into this in 1993, selling distributor lines, along with many of the other companies that I would still be here today.  Moda introduced Patrick Lose's first collection sometime in my first year and the flood gates opened.  The rest his history.  Life as a struggling single mom started to look a bit more promising.  I have had a lot great opportunities come my way because I work for a company that makes things happen!  I am a very fortunate girl, who loves my work. It makes packing a suitcase most weeks a little easier.
